Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It's official; I'm blogging! How did I succumb to the peer pressure? I was persuaded by a wicked temptress, Code name: Nancy Beaumont. I am well aware that the long awaited arrival of my first post has left most of you fiendish like a heroin junkie about to unzip his skin and sell his soul for another hit.
My name is Midnite; I'm a 23 year old bombshell who has embarked on a journey of self discovery, prompted by a horrifically paralyzing break up after 2 1/2 years together. The bastard who went all "Rambo with a machete" on my heart, Code name: Leche, has since found a new victim to torment with his false promises of marital bliss accompanied by rugrats. Young lady; I pity you, and good luck.
However, I feel I owe him a debt of gratitude for our time together. If it wasn't for him, I would have never had the strength to dive off the cliff into this abyss and begin to cultivate a beautifully healthy relationship with mui. My senses wouldn't be sharpened to identify the distinct odor of Bullshit in my presence. An unemployed-high school drop out would still be an acceptable standard for my mate. And unconditional love would ever longingly  be expressed for me only when he was rifling through my wallet for some cash to purchase and ingest copious amounts of narcotics. So, thank you Leche, for setting me free and releasing me from your demonic grasp.
I am on the mend, and cannot tell you the last time I was this happy, (I mean genuinely happy,with rainbows coming out of my ass and all) to be single. I only have to be responsible to me, and no one else. Isn't that amazing?! I take myself to the movies, out to dinner, even for ice cream (although the latter must cease because I'm reaping the benefits from all my visits to ColdStone). I can't imagine why I never did this sooner! Most of my time away from my job is devoted to an elite society of people (the SS).We meet daily and thrive from the selflessness in helping others. Alot of my posts will revolve around my interactions with my fellow SS agents, the evil temptress Nancy, add a dash of Tara Valentine and Laila, pinch of family freaks, and a pound or more of uncharted romantic endevours with various suiters.

Commence food enduced coma, now! Ciao!

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